Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thanks Pinterest!

I'm a Pinterest addict, how about you?

I saw an idea recently about putting times onto your water bottles and knew it would work for me. Here's the water bottle I set up last night.

I decided that I'd make it from 7 am - 7pm. I wake up before that and I go to bed after that, but those are generally the hours that I'm drinking water. I'm just not in too much of a mood before that and I have milk usually with my breakfast and of course if I drink much later than 7 pm I end up with extra trips to the restroom during the night.

This is pretty simple, but in case anyone has questions I'll elaborate on how I set it up. This bottle actually holds more than 64 ounces, so I used my scale to determine where 64 ounces was at, that's my 7 am line. I just fill it to there. Then I divided 64 ounces by 12 hours and realized I should be drinking about 5.33 ounces each hour. This is about 21.3 ounces I should have every 4 hours. Again, I used my scale to get the lines in the correct place. At first, I only put lines at 7 am, 11 am, 3 pm and 7 pm, but I decided I didn't like the big gap between 11 am and 3 pm (due to my bottle's size), so I went ahead and added 1 pm too.

The idea on pinterest was on a 32 oz bottle. I think the user had the times on two opposite sides of the bottle, but s/he may have had two different bottles. The picture showed two bottles, but I just couldn't tell if the pic had been edited to show both sides or if indeed it was two bottles.

Hope this helps someone!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Downtown Dog Dash

On Saturday my husband and I and our two dogs did a 5K. That was the first time that all 4 of us had done a race together and the first time that the Black Lab had ever done a race. My husband ran with our energetic, young and in shape Black Lab. I ran with our energetic, aging and out of shape Golden Retriever. I've ran with him before. He doesn't know how to pace himself so he goes all out at the beginning and pulls me, which helps me, but I can't keep up with him, so I make him slow down. We alternated walking and jogging, because I still haven't worked myself back up to jogging a full 5K. The last quarter mile or so he was pretty tuckered out and was trailing behind me while I jogged. We didn't place or anything, like that, but it was SUPER fun to be out and about with so many people and their dogs! Our time was 45:06.68.

My husband, on the other hand, did place. THAT is why he runs with the other dog. We run with the dogs that match how in shape we are. LOL! His time wasn't stellar, but it was good enough of a second place medal for his age division. He's only done 3 races (since we've been married anyway) and medaled in all of them.

We all got shirts, even the dogs. They have never had shirts before. Here is a pic of them back at home, wearing their shirts. They say "sit happens". They both have the largest size shirt, but you can tell that one of them could have used an even larger size!

The other great thing about the race was that the dogs got microchipped there! Woo hoo, I've been meaning to do that for a LONG time!