Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weight Loss Fads/Diets

Ok, so is anyone else always tempted by the latest and "greatest" way to lose weight?

I KNOW that it's all about calories in vs. calories out, but desperation can make you try out anything and everything that your friends, family, co-workers, etc. are raving about.

The past couple of weeks I've heard numerous times about shakes from Body by Vi and yep, I definitely looked them up. I know one co-worker using them and another co-worker has ordered them and should be starting any day and then I have another friend doing them too and she's been posting about her success on facebook. The friend that should be starting soon said she'd let me try one. I don't know that I'll order them, but I will definitely try one. Its main concept is to replace two meals a day with the "great-tasting" shakes and then have one healthy meal. It reminds me of Slimfast, but I guess it tastes better. I really enjoy the sensation of chewing/eating and I think that I'd miss that. I've heard over and over that people should eat their calories, not drink them. The times I've tried to just have a protein shake for a meal turned into me having the shake AND then deciding I was hungry and wanted food too, so I had more calories than I normal would have had. I'm curious how filling people are finding these shakes. I think there was another shake craze out there called Shakeology, but I haven't heard anyone recently talk about it.

Have you tried anything due to others boasting about it? I knew people doing HCG too and I did a lot of research on that one and was really against it, but others seem to love it.

On the plus side, the warm weather has sparked something within me and I've been getting in some great exercise and making healthy choices the past few days - now to keep it up!

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